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What does
"Viewable with any browser"

There are two reasons why we call attention to the idea of a page being viewable with any browser:

  • To let our visitors know that we are making an effort to make the Marsters Racing web site usable by everyone.
  • To encourage other people to design their sites so they are viewable in all browsers.

For information, a browser is the software you are using to view this page. It may be Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, or any of several dozen that are available. The browser you use, should not make any difference when viewing a page on the World Wide Web. Unfortunately the trend lately has been to optimize the idiosyncracies of a particular browser which often has the effect of cripling other browsers which try to read the page. Some pages may look better in some browsers than others, but they should all be readable by any browser.

You will never see "Best viewed at 800 x 600" or "Best viewed with <insert webmaster's favorite browser name here> download here" slapped on a Marsters Racing page, because we think it's rude, arrogant, and annoying to our guests to ask them to change the configuration of their computer just to view our web site. If you are having difficulty viewing any part of the Marsters Racing web site with your browser please email us. (Be specific about what browser you're using and what didn't work) and we'll try and fix it.

Java Script does little, if anything, to enhance the content of a web page. In fact, it represents a security risk if used in conjuction with a Microsoft web browser and for that reason, many users run with Java Script turned off as a security precaution. Marsters Racing contains no Java Script and so does not represent any security risk, and is fully operational whether or not your browser has Java Script enabled.

Marsters Racing also does not exchange cookies with any computer used to visit our pages. Running with cookies turned off does not degrade your viewing experience.

If you come across sites which aren't accessible and you would like to encourage them to make them viewable by any browser, it is a good idea to send them a message. Here are some example letters provided by Cari D. Burstein. Clicking this link will open a new window in your browser

Click here to return to where you were.

First created October 26, 1999 ~ Last revised July 05, 2023